Shutter Speed

high shutter speed

low shutter speed

a)low shutter speed
b)low shutter speed
c)high shutter speed
d)high shutter speed
e)low shutter speed maybe to show movement
f)low shutter speed maybe to show movement
a)high shutter speed
b)high shutter speed
c)high shutter speed
d)high shutter speed
e)high shutter speed
f)high shutter speed
One of the settings the camera has regarding shutter speed in automatically through in-camera metering.When the camera in on Auto mode, the camera while select the shutter speed for you along with the aperture. Also, there are two more ways to set your shutter speed manually. When you set the camera to "shutter priority", you choose the shutter speed while the camera chooses the aperture. When you set the camera to "manual", you select both the aperture and the shutter speed.


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