Post Shoot Reflection

1. It wasn't too difficult to find what made me happy, but i didn't want to do something basic. I wanted to look at things from a different perspective. I didn't know what made me happy, but when my friends walked by us I just took the photo. Metal was a little harder but I thought of the first artist to paint a tree from a completely different view, and I asked, myself why couldn't I do that? I already knew what to do for Bowie because Bowie wouldn't be Bowie if there weren't amazing people here.
2. I tried holding the camera up even though it wasn't the most comfortable position. I also had to half-bend my knees to get a good photo of the people. I had to refocus a couple times and move to get the camera to focus on what I wanted it to. I was thinking of what I could do to get the focus I wanted.
3. I would probably try to get the people from more interesting angles, and try to frame my photos more evenly. I also like the rule of thirds, so I would probably use that more.
4.I would take the same photo of the light post because of the perspective. I also liked how it was lighter at the top and darker towards the camera. I would also take photos of people, because people make me happy.
5. I think for the photo of my friend for happiness, I got the rule of thirds. For the picture of the lamp post for metal I think I captured a pleasing triangular shape.
6.I would be interested to see what else I could come up with, and the different perspectives I could try.
Gabby's Photos had good focus and followed the prompt well.
She could have used different perspectives and tried something more out of the box.


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