Academic Shoot

The composition rule is lines.I tried to make the subject be the lines leading towards the girls.  It is probably difficult for people to find the subject because the background is too blurry. I could have angles the camera better to show what the lines lead to.
The composition rule was balance. I tried to make the subject the girl. It is probably a little hard to tell what the subject is because of the book. I could have moved the book out of the frame.
The rule was simplicity. The subject are the girls. It is probably easy to tell what the subjects are because the background is not enticing. I still would have taken the last girl out of the photo because she was not looking at the camera.
The composition rule was rule of thirds. The subject is the computer screen. I think that it is pretty sill to see the subject, but I would have like to have that left arm taken out of the frame.

The photo is a merger. I think that this is a good example of a merger because the background is busy and too focused. Also, the girl's hair matches with the column behind her. To make the subject more clear I would have placed the subject in a more simple background and focus only on  the subject.

The rule I tried to follow was framing. I didn't really have a framing photo so I thought that the subject  could be the girl in front of the map. I think that the subject is hard to see because it is so far off center. I could have placed the map in the center of the picture with the girl in the middle.


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