Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. One o the main points I read in the text was that editing and manipulating photos to a point and alter the truth to a photo. Also, over the years, just about anyone can photoshop to fit current standards. Another point is that is becoming harder and harder to see the changes mad to a photograph. Also, photo ethics are always changing.
B. Newspapers like The New York Times have philosophies on labeling things, and relying on memory.
C. I think it is unethical to alter photos to change someones body, cutting out people, and necessary thing to tell the truth. I think is is okay to maybe make the picture easier to see, or alter the color and cropping out unnecessary items.

D.I think that this is the most unethical manipulation of a photo because it alters the truth. The university stated that they could not find any photos that showed diversity in race. To make the university more attractive to people, they edited in a person of color. I think it lies to the viewers because it shows the false standard of the university,
E. I think that this photo is the least unethical because it was just squeezed into the frame from a horizontal view. It was a little bit unethical because it altered some landforms.


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