
 Dove Evolution Video:
1. First, her lips were made bigger and her neck was lengthened. They also slimmed her neck and widened her eyes. Also, her face was slimmed. Then, her blemishes were removed.
Body Evolution- Model Before and After-
2. On her face, the blemishes were removed, the nose was slimmed, the eyes were widened, and the eyebrows were moved up. On her body they slimmed her shoulders, neck, stomach, and legs. The, they mad her legs longer and slimmer. They also enlarged her arms and neck. Also, they made her paler and shinier.
Crazy Photoshop Skills-
3. The girl was photoshopped so her entire body was slimmed and blemish-free. They used photoshop to slim her waist and arms, along with her arms. They also took away all her creases and bumps. Along with that, they slimmed her head and added length to her hair.
4. There is a lot of controversy over photoshopping people for advertising. Really, it isn't okay to change and manipulate a person's body to sell products. It's wrong to give false beauty standards ad manipulate people's views of how they should see beauty.
5. I think that is wild be more wrong to use this type of manipulation when advertising clothing and products that people use. It tricks people into believing that they have to be that kind of beauty. It sets standards that aren't realistic for mostly everyone.
6. Changes in photoshop should be little things like cropping out a unimportant object or adding more light.
7. i think that the main difference is that fashion photography is mainly to promote and sell something for profit.
8. Fashion photography is more for selling things that people think that they need to live up t the standards that they promote. I think that photojournalism is more informative. In fashion, they manipulate people's bodies in order to manipulate buyers into thinking that they need the product in order to reach a certain standard of "beauty". In photojournalism, altering the photos would result in chasing the information given to the viewers. Changes in both are unethical.
9. I think that you are showing us these videos in order to show us what is unethical and what happens to photos that are altered. Also, to show us what messages these altered pictures send to the public.
10. I think that women have suffered more pressure to live up to certain expectation then men. Although alterations can happen to photos of men, it is more common in women.


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