Funny Captions

Grandma on motor scooter is slowing down traffic on road because she refuses to let cars pass her. Berta May, 86, slowed down traffic on Slaughter Ln. at 5:30 in the afternoon because she refused to let cars pass her 9mph motor scooter as she headed home from the grocery store.
Old man is falling asleep as his cake is burning up with over 85 candles on his birthday at his family home. Schubert Smith, who just turned 89 yrs old, fell asleep at the table on Thursday the 27th as his birthday cake blew up into flames after all the candles conjoined, but his family said the fire was put out immediately.
Grandma forces a booth to close down in Six Flags because she refuses to get up and join in the "childish" games this Wednesday. Ruby Ferguson, 81, forces the workers to close down the "Out Of Control" booth after she disagreed with the morals of the game, then continued to mock the workers on Wednesday, Oct. 26th.


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