1. I would like to visit Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobart, Japan. I would like to visit because it looks really intact. It also looks like you can climb up into the rides and the buildings. It looks fun to explore and crawl around in. The fog makes then park look extra creepy. 2. 3. Some cool places would be like a cave, the glaciers, abandoned older-era building, the jungle, an abandoned mall, and the worlds largest treehouse. 4. 5. It would be fun to take photos there because of all the great places you have to shoot. You can also have a lot of different angles to also shoot the forest outside. I think you could get a lot of beautiful pictures with the natural light. you would end up with a color palette probably made up of browns and greens. 6. The treehouse is located in Tennessee, so i would need money for a plane ticket or another form of transportation. I would probably only need a camera and maybe if it was shaky, a stabilizer. The owner offers tours, so it wouldn...