Tales by Light

Episode 1:
1. The photographer is Eric Cheng, and he photographs predators and animals underwater. In the episode we watched, he photographed anacondas.
2. I found it really interesting how the animals would stay around the photographer and not swim away. I also found it interesting how long it took to find the animals.
3. I learned that under water photography takes hard work and commitment. I also learned that predatory animals are not always dangerous to hang around with.
4. This episode takes place in Brasil, and I liked the location because it was beautiful. i also liked how the underwater setting was completely different than the above water setting.
5. This work is important because it has a purpose to educate on what is kind of considered a mystery to many. The work he is doing is also important because it can help bring more attention to things that usually don't have it.

Episode 2:
1. Again, the photographer is Eric Cheng. He photographs different forms of life that reside in the water. In this episode, he photographs some animals in the ocean.
2. I found interesting that the photographer was not at all nervous to be around sharks. i also found it interesting how the sharks were shot in a way that was sorta beautiful in a sense.
3. I learned that sharks aren't as vicious as many people believe they are. Also, I learned how different photography can make a big impact in how people see things.
4. This episode took place in the Bahamas. I liked this location a lot because it was beautiful. It was interesting to see how theres like a whole other world underwater, when we mainly see the surface of the ocean in photos.
5. This work is important because it can change the way that people see the world. Photos like these help people better understand the things that they cannot see very often. Photos of the ocean also play a large role in helping preserve the ocean.


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